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A Suite in Four Windows

In homage to Black Angels: Thirteen Images from the Dark Lands by George Crumb

Rustblind and Silverbright

44 pages

Cover Text

Four Windows. Four minds riding through derangement and beyond as clouds gather over the city of London. Four music students working hard to analyze a unique and extraordinary musical composition. From ‘The Night of the Electric Insects’ through the ‘Songs of Bones and Flutes’ to ‘God Music’ and the return trip, George Crumb’s ‘Black Angels’—noble; wicked; madness; ethereality. Listen and the sky turns yellow and lightning flickers like burning alcohol in the distance.



Click here to read D F Lewis's Realtime Review of this book:

It is a shame that David Rix is not more well known. His work gives me a perfect jolt every time I read it, and it is so effective in throwing me off-kilter that it takes a while to get my brain back to my normal. Here he manages to do so in only 44 short pages, which is a great feat in itself.

Nancy Oaks

Oh my. Dense with ideas. Sensual and disturbing. Intriguing. More wallop per page than novels ten times its length.

Casa Cotugno

This novella strongly appealed to me, because I enjoy reading literary stories that have strangeness and a touch of darkness in them. There was something surreal and wondrous about it that enchanted me when I read it.

Seregil of Rhiminee


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